Join us Sunday

Join us Sunday in-person or on facebook. Worship begins at 10 a.m. at 4525 NW Button Rd. We’d love to have you. This Sunday is Boy Scout Sunday. Scouts will be helping with the service. Plan to stay after worship for soup luncheon fundraiser. Money will pay for camp adventures …

Football FRENZY Donations

Sunday, PHUMC will celebrate the Super Bowl in a variety of ways. Wear your Chiefs red and bring an appetizer to share after church. We are collecting individual snacks to give to the Logan Elementary kids. They use these for class parties and incentives in their school store. Plan to …

Football FRENZY Fun!

Sunday, PHUMC will celebrate the Super Bowl in a variety of ways. Wear your Chiefs red and bring an appetizer to share …

J.A.M. sessions underway

Our Pleasant Hill Sunday school program began its new direction on Sept. 10, 2023. Feel free to check out these weeks of …

Harvest of Blessings

During our special offering in November, $1311 was collected. Add that to the $750 donated by the Missions Team from our garage …

Help Hurricane Victims

Please see the message below from Hollie Tapley, Conference Disaster Response & UMVIM Coordinator. ********************If you have ever wondered what it is …

Garage sale successful

With a lot of hard work and some amazing donations, PHUMC was able to raise over $3000 for our mission projects. In …